Love or Miracle?

Tanya S
2 min readDec 26, 2020

When you are angry, you shout

When you are in normal state of mind, you speak in neutral tone

When you fall in love, you whisper

When you become love, you are silent.

“By the common definition of miracles, they are rare and supernatural occurrences. But in reality, the very existence of love is miraculous. Love is unpredictable, even improbable from a rational and survival of the fittest perspective. But love not only exists, it is the basis of all human relationships.

If we examine the word “miracle”, we will see that it comes from a latin word “mirari” which means to behold with rapt attention — that’s exactly how love works. It involves a capacity to behold with rapt attention, to embrace another completely in your awareness. Two people in love look at each other with wonder in their eyes existing in their own universe in an intense experience of rapt attention.

There is little chance of finding love on the surface of life except in passing moments, and even the most romantic infatuations eventually end. Anyone who has experienced deep love knows that it isn’t an illusion or fantasy. Once you have gone deep into your own awareness, not only is the love for beloved possible, it is the only way to feel. “Love” does not mix with other emotions such as anger or grief. Likewise if you go deep enough, love for yourself is the only way to feel.

What blocks our attention are a variety of obstacles, we judge ourselves and others, we are afraid to be vulnerable, we are conditioned from our past experiences to consider ourselves as ordinary people who deserve ordinary lives.

The whole picture changes only when consciousness changes. Whenever anyone who yearns for an ever lasting, loving relationship says that they are waiting for “the one”, my response is that first you must become “the one”. Then it is only natural that the love you radiate attracts relationships that are lasting and loving.

Miracle only seem extraordinary because we are not paying attention to their presence in our lives. When we open our “awareness” connecting to the level of pure consciousness where love is infinite and eternal, we begin to notice the everyday acts of grace that guide us to the most evolutionary path.”

— — Deepak Chopra.

“The minute I heard my first love story,
I started looking for you, not knowing
how blind that was.
Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere.
They’re in each other all along.”

